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Four Main Signs of Animal Hoarding

The HARC (Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium) conducts research and has found that people who engage in animal hoarding exhibits four primary signs:

  1. Inability to provide basic standards of sanitation, food, water, and medical care and space for animals
  2. Lack of understanding of how the situation will affect the animals and humans residing in the home
  3. Continuing to collect animals despite structural or health concerns in the home
  4. Refusing to admit that there is a serious issue; ignoring the concerns of friends and family members

Source: ASPCA

How dangerous is animal hoarding exactly?

Residential animal hoarding is not only a concern for the animals involved, but quite dangerous for the human(s). Animals that are positive for various diseases often transmit them to other animals. This can be affected by the volume of animals in the home along with their immediate availability of necessities such as food and/or water.

Animals will investigate nearly every square inch of a home and will often find places inaccessible by humans. This can unfortunately mean that by the time they are found it is often too late. 

The animals typically harbor the disease within their waste. Because hoarders inhabit the same environment without regular maintenance, they are subjected to the same atmosphere containing the animal feces and urine. For the humans who suffer from breathing issues, the ammonia found in animal urine is especially dangerous. The pathogens and other bacteria often found in animal feces can be passed to humans. 


before: animal hoarding cleanup


after: animal hoarding cleanup

How Can Hoarding Cleanup Orlando Help?

Our comprehensive animal hoarding cleanup service is prepared for issues relating to animals of all sizes. We handle all service calls with professionalism whether they be tiny accidents from teacup chihuahuas to problems in the attic with avian creatures such as bats, birds, and other wild animals.

Your individual animal hoarding situation will be unique and therefore our treatment plans may or include:

  • Feces removal, fluids and waste that are contaminated, and animal nesting materials
  • Management and disposal of contaminated waste
  • Each individual item within the treatment of surfaces that are in contact with feces and/or urine as well as the air to eliminate/reduce odor